Handbuch und Planungshilfe Flüchtlingsbauten – Architektur der Zuflucht: Von der Notunterkunft zum kostengünstigen Wohnungsbau Contribution: Bauen mit Müll 2017 I 312 Seiten ISBN 978-3-86922-532-6 Editor: Lore Mühlbauer and Yasser Shretah, Publisher: DOM Text: German
Wohnraum für Alle Contribution: Bauen mit Müll 2016 I 116 Seiten Editor/Publisher: Deutscher Werkbund Bayern e.V. Text: German
Building with Bamboo - Design and Technology of a Sustainable Architecture Contribution: Cover and Pavilions for the German Esplanade Book 2012 I 160 Pages, ISBN 978-3-0346-0748-3 Author: Gernot Minke, Publisher: Birkenhäuser Verlag Text: English
RheinSCHIENE + WarenSTROM - Zukunftswerkstatt Kulturlandschaft Contribution: es könnte stürmisch werden Exhibition Catalogue 2012 I 80 Pages, Author: Ingrid Vetter, Editor: Deutscher Werkbund Text: German
Touched by Water - The 2011 Hansgrohe Water symposium Contribution: water works Markus Heinsdorff Book 2011 I 196 Pages Author: Klaus Lanz, Editor: Hansgrohe, Schiltach Text: Edition I German, Edition II English
Bambus - Bamboo Architecture Contribution: The German-Chinese House Book 2011 I 384 Pages, ISBN 9788499362090 Author: Alex Sanchez Vidiella, Herausgeber: FGK loft publications, Barcelona Text: Spain, Italian, English, French, German
Chengdu Biennale - Holistic Realm – International Architecture Exhibition Changing Vistas: Creative Duration Contribution: Teahouse Book 2011 I 334 Pages, ISBN 978-7-5410-4743-5 Publisher: 2011 Chengdu Biennale, China Text: English, Chinese
Jahrbuch 2010/2011 - Goethe Institute Contribution: Germany and China Catalogue, 184 Pages Author: Michael Kahn Ackermann Publisher: Goethe-Institute e. V. Text: German
States of Architecture in the Twenty-First Century - New Directions from the Shanghai World Expo Contribution: The German-Chinese House Book 2010 I 384 Pages, ISBN 9780500342695 Author: Rodolphe El Khoury, Andrew Payne , Photographs: Nic Lehoux Publisher: Thames & Hudson Text: English
Contemporary Green Buildings in China - Art and Architecture for Sustainability 2000 - 2020 Contribution: design with nature Book 2010 I 336 Pages, ISBN 978-3-86922-128-1 Edited by Li Xiangnin, Christian Dubrau (Authors), DOM Publishers Text: German, English, Chinese
Germany and China – Moving Ahead Together - Station EXPO 2010 Shanghai Contribution: das Deutsch-Chinesische Haus Project Catalogue 2011 I 261 Pages Publisher: Germany, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Text: German, Chinese
Germany and China – Moving Ahead Together - Station Liaoning, Shenyang Contribution: Bambus als Symbol für nachhaltiges Bauen Project Catalogue 2009 I 261 Pages Publisher: Germany, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Text: German, Chinese
Germany and China – Moving Ahead Together - Station Guangdong Contribution: Klima hautnah erleben Project Catalogue 2008 I 261 Pages Publisher: Germany, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Text: German, Chinese
Germany and China – Moving Ahead Together - Station Chongqing Contribution: Bambus - Brückenschlag der Kulturen, Von der Tradition bis zur Moderne Project Catalogue 2008 I 261 Pages Publisher: Germany, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Text: German, Chinese
Modern Art in the Bavarian Office for Surveying and Geographic Contribution: home Exhibition Catalogue 2008 I 194 Pages Editor: LVG, Munich Text: German
Landpartie - Museen rund um München – fünf Ausstellungen Contribution: Markus Heinsdorff - Residenzen Exhibition Catalogue / Book 2002 I 208 Pages, ISBN 3-930941-33-3 Ismaning, Dachau, Fürstenfeldbruck u.a. Editor: Eigenverlag der Museen, Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Museen rund um München Text: German
zeitgleich - Kunst & Bauen, Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Contribution: screenhouse, Arbeitszeit, Untergrundspiele, Home Exhibition Catalogue 2002 I 154 Pages Documentation of the exhibition and series of events Conception: Klaus von Gaffron, Doris Schächter Editor: Berufsverband Bildender Künstler Munich e.V Text: German
Kunst und Arbeit - Künstler zwischen Autonomie und sozialer Unsicherheit Kultur in der Diskussion Band 7 Contribution: Interview Reference Text Book 2000 I 248 Pages, ISBN 3-88474-886-6 Author: Thomas Röpke, Wolfgang Thierse, Graf Esterhazy Publisher: Klartext Text: German
Sculpture Park - Ismaning 2000 Contribution: Pool Exhibition Catalogue 2000 I 96 Pages, exhibition of the Commune Ismaning In Cooperation with the Kallmann-Museum Concept: Gisela Hesse, Kallmann-Museum in the palace orangery, Author: Hanne Westkott Editor: Commune Ismaning, Germany Text: German
Offene Räume, Leere, Limit, Landschaft - exhibition project of the Kulturregion Stuttgart Contribution: Group Exhibition Böblingen Schossberg – Container Installation Markus Heinsdorff, Florian Slotawa, zipper spaceworks Exhibition Catalogue / Book 2000 I 217 Pages, ISBN 3- 930698-99-4 Concept and Authors: Jochem Schneider, Christine Baumgärtner Publisher: Edition Axel Menges, Stuttgart Text: German, English
Cuma 4000 IL MiTO Della Dimora - Scultura Ed Architettura Del Novocento Contribution: Quidvides Exhibition Catalogue 1999 I 118 Pages Editor: Region Campania, Italia Text: Italian
Grosse Kunstausstellung Contribution: Bildtafel 168 - Gespräche II Exhibition Catalogue 1994 I 220 Pages Publisher: Ausstellungsleitung Haus der Kunst e. V. Munich, Germany Text: German
Grosse Kunstausstellung Contribution: Tafel 20 - Verbindung Exhibition Catalogue 1992 I 180 Pages Publisher: Ausstellungsleitung Haus der Kunst e. V. Munich, Germany Text: German
Praterinsel Ausstellung der Ateliergemeinschaft Praterinsel - ehem. Weinbrennerei Anton Riemerschmid Contribution: Markus Heinsdorff - Installation über der Isar Exhibition Catalogue 1991 I 128 Pages Authors: Helmut Friedel, Christiane Meyer Stoll Text: German
Münchner Räume - Modelle neuer Innenarchitektur - Münchner Stadtmuseum Contribution: Kreideraum - Bewegung und Raum Exhibition Catalogue / Book 1991 I 239 Pages, ISBN 3922979378 Editors: Hans Ottomeyer, Hans und Helmut Bauer Text: German
Gesichter Contribution: Portrait Group Catalogue/Book 1990 I 104 Pages, ISBN 3-927533-07-6 Exhibition Villa Stuck, Editor: Hubertus Hamm Publisher: Walter Storms, Munich Text: German
Antrieb / Auftrieb Contribution: Hochseilmobil Exhibition Object Catalogue of steel (sheet) 1989, Exhibition by the European Patent Office 10 Artists: Erhard Hössle, Sebastian & Markus Heinsdorff, Aollf Luther, Gereon Lepper, Francis Morrelet, M. Nannuci, Martin Riches, Jesus R. Soto L. Wilding, Conception: Markus Heinsdorff Editor: Berufsverband Bildender Künstler München e.V Text: German