European Dome 2009 Central World Plaza, Bangkok, Thailand
A pentagonal inside twisted dome with 5 m diameter and 7 m height made by lying upon another bamboo tubes was presented on a public place in the centre of Bangkok. Each bamboo tube had a diameter of 12 cm and a length of 3 m, was layered on the end of the bamboo tube above, but each layer was rotated by 3 cm in clockwise direction. At night the installation was coloured lightened from inside. It was a project in cooperation with Silpakom University, Faculity of Architecture and supported by the European Union as well the German Embassy in Bangkok.
[to the press]

Temporary, non-accessible tower in a square in the centre of Bangkok, made of racked 3.4m long bamboo rods. The tower is 5m in diameter and 7m high. On each layer of the pentagonal tower, one end of the 8 to 12cm thick bamboo rod is placed on top of the next but displaced clockwise by 3 cm each time. At night, the bamboo tower is illuminated from within in colour.